AJ Justo & Alvaro Ruiz – Design thinking: the double diamond in practice

This workshop roughly follows the Double Diamond process from the Design Council in order to give practical and quick techniques for teams to make sense of available insight at the discovery stages of projects, or to give direction while under development.

The format will be:

About AJ

AJ has more than 15 years experience researching, designing and developing technology products and services. He’s passionate about the power of ideation and surfacing knowledge that comes with Design Thinking and UCD methods and tools. He loves facilitating and participating in workshops. He founded and co-organises the Design Thinking Oxford monthly events to help disseminate the benefits of it.

About Alvaro
Alvaro is a UX/UI designer working for a software development company. His main areas of expertise are within the field of communication and technology, where he contributes to the user experience of the companies’ products or services with his skills on design and management as part of a great team. Alvaro co-organises the monthly Design Thinking events in Oxford where they practice techniques that can be used in real life projects.