Designers Who Write

As a designer, the ability to write is crucial: it helps us solve problems, share ideas and knowledge, reflect on challenges we’ve overcome — and become more hireable! But this is easier said than done: when we decide to write an article, the fear of the blank page, impostor syndrome and the thoughts everyone already knows about what we’re writing are always looking over our shoulder. 

In her UXBristol workshop, Inayaili de León looked at why writing is so important and how it can make for better designers and better teams, and we will learn some tips and tricks to write about our work faster and more often.

About Inayaili

Inayaili de León Persson is a Senior Designer at Microsoft Developer Services — where she works on the design system for Azure DevOps. Previously, she led the team creating Canonical’s Vanilla design system. She writes frequently for well-known online publications and on her own web design blog, and speaks at local and international web conferences and meet-ups, and currently serves on the expert panel of .net magazine, the UK’s leading web design publication, and Smashing Magazine. She’s the co-author of “Pro CSS for High Traffic Websites” (Apress, 2011), and author of “Moving to Responsive Web Design” (Apress, 2016). She’s Panamanian Portuguese, born in the USSR, and lives in London — her favourite city in the world.